2021-06-15 05:36:10 | UPDATES
Handjery construction update

July 2022:

Our Handjery project is complete! The project came in on time with no construction issues of note. 90% of apartments have already been let at a higher rate than was expected at point of sale.

January 24th 2022:

Work is continuing to progress well on site with many items in the final stages. The team are laying the parquet & tile flooring and have completed up to the fourth floor. Paint work is underway, as is the installation of the doors. First floor apartments have already been equipped with electrical sockets & bathrooms. 

12th October:

Very exciting to see work at our Handjery site continuing to progress so well. The internal works are almost completed with the painting already beginning.

July 14th: Our Handjery project is really starting to take shape, with internal construction already under way! The building shell has been sealed, windows installed and drywall application beginning.
April 14th: Construction works continue at our Handjery development and it's exciting to see work progressing so quickly! In just a few months the team has finished the basement and work has begun on the 1st floor with the ceiling already being laid. Follow the progress in real time through our webcam via the following link: (Username & PW: FHWA4)